Monday, October 6, 2008

Fear and Loathing of the “Intello”

A few years ago while living in Paris I was confronted with an American cultural value I hold that, upon closer inspection, is counter intuitive. I was listening to a radio program and heard the guest speaker describing himself as “an intello.” I was left repulsed and revolted by the statement. He was calling himself an intellectual! After my anger at this unknown “intello’s” self-importance calmed down, I had time to evaluate my reaction. His arrogance deeply bothered me. I don’t feel the same anger when faced with a self-described “laborer.” So what was so horrifying about someone identifying himself as a thinker?

In the US, we are nursed by a culture that fears and loathes pretension and elitism. This intello dude represented both. In the US, you should be educated, but should refrain from dangling your knowledge over others in quotes, figures and, most importantly, unfamiliar words. You should be rich, but you have to earn it through hard work and street smarts; the harder you work for your fortune, the better. In the US, it is almost as detestable to be a moneyed pedantic as an unemployed alcoholic. At least the alcoholic is helplessly dependent. The academic has the choice to stop quoting Shakespeare ad nauseum!

Anyone who is too eloquent, too knowledgeable and too polished is considered a threat to the hardworking, straight-talking American. Such traits must mean this person is conniving and capable of malicious activity, not the next-door neighbor type that you can sit down and have a beer with after a long day of work (bring a six-pack and Governor Palin might come along ta chat with ya!)

In France, the “I’m an intellectual” comment is not exactly common either and verges on arrogance. However, there isn’t the same resistance here to looking to writers, academics or philosophers for insight and answers. Being an intellectual in France doesn’t diminish the value of your opinions and doesn’t necessarily place you out of touch with real life and real problems. In fact, being an intellectual might mean you can think questions through thoroughly, contemplate nuances and communicate ideas coherently.

American resistance to public displays of knowledge might account for the past 8 years of jumbled English coming directly from the White House. W. doesn’t sound like the elite he comes from, and we Americans like that. But then of course, he doesn’t speak as well as your average middle-school child, and that is a bit more difficult to swallow.

I’m going to let Maureen Dowd wail away at the speaking style of Pappa Bush, son W. and newcomer maverick speaker, Sarah Palin. But after you stop admiring just how exquisite Dowd's English is and your laughter (or anger) at her cutting jabs at Republicans has calmed, you might consider where our anti-intellectual values lead us. Is this path really the best road for the pragmatic American to take? Eloquence doesn’t necessarily make a good president, but then again, neither does your next door neighbor. Even if she does enjoy a six-pack.


Anonymous said...

Interesting post given I just read this article a couple days ago:

Anyways, I sort of agree. I think partly these reactions to stereotypes will vary depending on where you are. Here in San Francisco I don't get a lot of negative to reactions when I crack jokes about being pompous or a spoiled brat. Then again, in Sacramento, get many more 'frowns' than smiles. I think you could probably use that as a metaphor for the rest of the U.S.

Ultimately I agree though. The person who leads this country (U.S.) needs to be smarter than me. They need to be more qualified, hard working, better listener, more diplomatic, less reactionary, etc etc. Funny how this has been twisted into a 'negative' label of elitist.

Otherwise I should be president if I am the best there is ;)

Winnie said...

Hey Amo,

Great link. I love Hudson's post. He's right, what does latté drinking have to do with your values? I definitely think we are on the same page here.

I think you are right, there is a difference between big cities like SF, NYC etc. and the rest of the States in terms of how much "intellecutalism" they like to see in their leaders / neighbors. That is one problem with my generalizing all Americans into one group, I can't really do it successfully because there are always exceptions. But the generalization is one that I think still rings true.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know your interesting to read your point of view of my native country!!!.I m going to read more and I come back to you...

Botany's Desire said...

Oh my, I just had to respond to this post. Finally, someone is willing to say out loud what I have been thinking about throughout this election.

I too ask what is wrong with being intelligent and worldly. Why does the majority of Americans living in certain parts of the US seem to think that if you are from a big city, had a great education and are financially doing well, mean that you have no family or moral values, don't work hard on a daily basis to earn that money and care less about our country.

This really bugs me.

José said...

Looking forward to more post from you! This one is excellent.

By the way, Denis is on his way down to Toulouse, I think he was going to contact you.

Also - feel free to become a FOLLOWER to my blog at:

The more, the merrier...


manu said...

Hi Winnie,
I think I will spend all the night long to read our posts: so various and interestings!
About this one: In France, most (all) politics have the same education (ENA), so we can say that they are part of a "caste" like in India. Are you interesting in exploring this specificity and its impact on the way frenchies deal with politic?